Sydney Tantric Massage
Tantra massage or tantric massage are two defined massages developed in Germany in mid 70s. Erotic massage incorporates elements from the neo-tantric movement in the Western world massages the primary erogenous zones of the body, those being the mouth, the penis, the vagina and the anus.
Tantra massage is now extensively used in exclusive adult entertainment services. Generally a massage service aims at muscle relaxation and certain body ailments. However at Sirs Sydney tantric massage experience your sexual stimulation is emphasised.
The technique includes different elements of erotic massage application including yoga and bioenergetics. At Sirs we are proud to offer tantric massage to our esteemed customers.
The receiver of a tantra massage (you) is not a giver. Your duty is to receive the massage and surrender to the rediscovery of senses feelings and emotions. Your tantric massage experience in Sydney at Sirs will combine the feeling of wellness associated with deep relaxation therapeutic as customers come to resolve issues related to relationship issues, self esteem issues including sexual issues. Many people who have early sexual release vouch tantric massage helped them control their urges relax for longer time and enjoy their sexual experience longer.
Please remember tantric massage does not include a sexual penetration so that you should not expect one during the tantric massage. It is more aimed at bringing your sexual desires out and controlling it in a better way to increase your sexual experience.
Sirs, Sydney tantric pleasure is a light, sensual massage that will awaken and arouse your erotic energy…
Here at Sirs, the tantric experience is a naked body-to-body massage that will sharpen your senses. The masseuse will use her hands, arms, breasts, legs and body to provide the ultimate tantric massage. You will feel interlay immersed in her sexual energy, helping you let go of all thoughts as you become unified. The purpose is to replace any stress and tension affecting the body by using spiritual approach to massage.
Many aren’t actually aware of the benefits a tantric massage provides. In ancient times, Tantra was considered as “black magic” and inappropriate for people of high class due to the sexual energy associated with it. We have come a long way and have a clear understanding of tantra and how it is used as a form of manual therapy to relax the body and please the mind. Here are just some of the key benefits you will experience from a tantric massage at Sirs.
- Help you understand and control your desires
- Connects you with your self-awareness
- Recognise your sexual flow
- Deal with past sexual trauma
- Will reconnect you with the joy of life
Tantric pleasure experience is a gift of enlightenment that we would love to share with you. At Sirs. So please give us a call on 02 92997771 to make your booking.